
Please, here you can choose the language of your choice, but be warned: it is translated via google, so do not expect tooo much, it can’t make it. But at least, it can give you a clue, about what I am talking here…

Afrikaans Albanian Arabic Armenian
Azerbaijani Basque Belarusian Bulgarian
Catalan Chinese (S) Chinese (T) Croatian
Czech Danish Dutch Estonian
Filipino Finnish French Galician
English Georgian Greek Hebrew
Hindi Hungarian Icelandic Indonesian
Irish Italian Japanese Korean
Latavian Lithuanian Macedonian Malay
Maltese Norwegian Persian Polish
Portuguese Romanian Russian Serbian
Slovak Slovenian Spanish Swahili
Swedish Thai Turkish Ukrainian
Urdu Vietnamese Welsh Yiddish
  1. 23. August 2010 um 02:16

    Gute Arbeit!

  2. 9. Mai 2011 um 03:59

    how did you get this awesome translation thing?

    • 9. Mai 2011 um 19:34

      is that a serious question? usually the translations is so crappy… 😉

      It’s google service I guess, I would have to check it out, how I did, it is some time back, so I don’t remember. We are heading back for K’moja 2morrow, so I’m gonna go to bed early especially since I am a bit sick…

      so, feel hugged, dear!

  3. 11. Mai 2011 um 15:37

    it is a serious question yes. have a safe trip. feel better. you feel hugged too. 🙂

    • 14. Mai 2011 um 21:58

      I will find out, when I’m back in jinja… Right now the internet is toooo bad, as you know 😉

  4. 18. Oktober 2011 um 18:54

    Please, here you can choose the language of your choice, but be warned: it is translated via google, so do not expect tooo much, it can’t make it. But at least, it can give you a clue, about what I am talking here…

    …und wie übersetze ich das in deutsch?

    • 19. Oktober 2011 um 13:01

      …diese Seite ist ja für Leute, die KEIN deutsch sprechen, darum auf englisch. Du muss ja nix auf deutsch übersetzen, ist doch alles auf deutsch…. 😉

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